Colour Matching Consultation is one of the many services offer at OzTop along with Material Selection Consultation, Architectural Design Consultation and Interior Decoration.
Colour matching can be one of the most cost-effective ways to elevate the visual components of your project to create a comfortable home or living space. This is applicable to both external and internal elements.
Within an interior setting, you can create a refreshing feel for a room by simply selecting and matching colours that harmonise with each other. This can include matching paint colours used for the walls, doors, ceilings and other visible surfaces. Colour matching also takes into consideration the visual integration between a living space and flooring which includes polished concrete, carpets and tiles. You can imagine this as setting the scene for your home or the space you want to renovate. Colour matching in finer details can include interior decoration such as feature wall items, paintings, dining & coffee tables, chairs, sofas and other furniture depending on the location that requires colour matching.
Our clients often consult us for exterior colour matching (roof, walls, door etc) in conjunction with interior colour coordination so everything is visually balanced – from the moment you set eyes on the house to physically entering it. This is why OzTop provides complementary colour-matching consultation from material selection to interior decoration, since all these design elements work best as a whole.
Colour matching and coordination is the first step to create a visually comfortable home or living space. Other factors such as interior decoration and furnishing enhances the effect of a space, either by bringing out the visual discrepancy or adding to the space’s visual harmony. Colour matching consultation helps you to put everything together in perspective seamlessly.
From our experience working in the industry for over 20 years, it is often not about buying the best and most expensive items but rather how you harmonise and match many different elements. Having a well-coordinated colour scheme can make a huge difference, and transform an ordinary house into a warm and welcoming home.
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