Material Selection Consultation

oztop-select-material-consultationMaterial Selection Consultation is one of the many services we offer at OzTop along with Colour Matching Consultation, Architectural Design Consultation and Interior Decoration.

What is Material Selection?

Choosing suitable building materials for your project, a new home or renovation can be fun but overwhelming, especially if you are time-poor or running on a tight schedule. There are many aspects to consider in the selection process, and it boils down to a few key factors:

  • Safety
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Design
  • Time

Safety should always be the primary concern in any building and renovation project. This is particularly important if the completed product (e.g. a house) is used by people regularly for an extended period. In Australia, there are guidelines and standards that must be closely adhered to; otherwise the construction may be illegal and subject to fines & other penalties for non-compliance.

Oztop-material-selection-consultationQuality of a building material determines not only its cost but also how long it will last from general wear & tear before it needs to be replaced. This needs to be carefully weighted out especially if you are building or renovating your own home because you will likely be responsible for the cost of its maintenance and replacement.

Cost of building materials and the overall budget determine the “success” of a project and your level of debt if you’re borrowing money for the works. The cost often relates closely with the quality and design of the items. A good project manager knows where to source the most value for money items to ensure the project is finished successfully within budget, and on time.

Design is either the first thing or the last thing to go, depending on the priorities of the project manager – when costs need to stay on track or be reduced. Feature items are usually more expensive but they can greatly enhance the appearance of a home or living space, bringing uniqueness into the design. However, these can only be added to a space with a good foundation of coordinated colours in the home or room.


When selecting suitable materials for your project, many people make the mistake of ignoring the time factor. For people who are working on projects without a specific finish date, they can afford to wait for the “best” materials to become available for their projects e.g. at the lowest price, the best quality, visually stunning etc. However, you may not have the luxury to wait. Hence, make sure you source your items and materials well in advance and incorporate the waiting time, if required, at the beginning of the project, and place orders appropriately so they arrive before you need them.

Why does Material Selection matter?

At OzTop, we work with developers, builders, tradesmen, renovators and individuals to help them source & secure building materials suitable for their projects – taking into consideration the scale of works, safety, quality, cost, design and time. From our experience, this greatly increases the chance of success both in completing the project on time, with good quality results. We only advise our clients on reputable building materials and manufacturers who have reliable supply and delivery. When you consult with us for your next project, you are taking a shortcut to success and better managing your risks.

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